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April 2010-Hamid Mekrawish-How Car Computers Work

Hamid Nekrawish started with a brief review of how automotive computers work and of general internal combustion engine functioning. Computers help auto manufacturers meet government fuel efficiency standards and consumer power demands. Computers were first introduced to address automobile emissions. Long ago, CO2 emissions were considered good because they represented greater power.

Because General Motors used to lead the world in auto sales, GM terminology is used generally throughout the automotive repair industry.

To date there have been four major diagnostic systems. The current diagnostic system, CAN BUS, was designed by Bosch. They have a research center at Stanford.

CAN=Controlled Area Network

BUS=Bi–Directional Universal System

CAN BUS is very fast, eliminates redundant use of parts, has greater reliability and reduced connections; reduced size of wiring harness; uses fiber optics (no wiring necessary); flexibility in system configuration.

The Drive Cycle enforces proper smog check. It takes 80 to 100 miles for the computer to learn the driving patterns of a driver. Then the computer will check all systems for emissions control.

Why care? Improved safety; sealed black box keeps operation records; fuel efficient; more power; precise adjustment on-demand; longevity–greater service intervals.

Want to know more? Here are a few resources:

www.mobilediagnosticsgroup.com (The experts' experts hang out here.)

http://sae.org (Sets the standards.)


http://smogservice.com/CE.htm -- Our speaker's site has some concise information for consumers.

After his formal presentation, Hamid spent several minutes answering audience questions. He no longer serves consumers directly, but supports mechanics. If your mechanic is having trouble fixing your car, suggest that he call Hamid for expert advice at 889-0543



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