September 5, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 7:34 P.M. by President Chuck Horner. He reminded everyone to obtain drawing and door prize tickets from Harold Smith at the back table, to turn off their ringing and buzzing devices, and to sign in.
SIG Announcements:
The Mobile Computing SIG meets in this same building on the third Monday of the month. David Graham will be speaking this month.
The Spectacular Linux SIG meets on the last Saturday of the month. In August they looked at the new KDE release, a lot more user friendly. In September they may look at more KDE, or maybe Suse or by the end of the month, something else may emerge.
The New User SIG is still on vacation. It will probably return in October.
The Hardware SIG will meet tomorrow night (as usual, the Saturday after the Main Meeting) at the Smiths starting at 8 P.M. Call the Smiths if you need directions, they know how to get to their house. Bring new hardware--as well as older problems--that you need help getting functional, bring software you need help with. Bring all the documentation you can find.
Member Paul Rogers reported on the Skype internet telephone service. Skype has a variety of levels of services and pricing, but overall reduces the cost of long-distance telephoning, especially overseas calls. Paul recently found a similar product called MagicJack, which he described briefly.
Chuck’s Tips:
In order to get a phone number to go to the top of his mobile phone telephone directory list, he put a dash in front of it. He wanted the Dispatch Number for Hayward, 273-9000, for emergencies. His phone jostled in his pocket, accidentally dialing. So he put an initial entry that’s just a dash ahead of the real number. So far, no false alarms.
Did you know that if you hover your mouse over the Time in the task bar, the day and date will be displayed?
General Announcements:
Bill George announced that Leroy Chauffe died recently. Leroy was an early supporter of PCC. As a member of the faculty at CSU, he made it possible for us to use meeting rooms there. He also served as Treasurer.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 P.M.
The next meeting will take place at the same location on October 3, 2008.