October 5, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:31 p.m. by President Chuck Horner. At the ticket table, see Lola Hunter for raffle tickets, door prize tickets, and 3" x 5" cards to write questions for discussion/answers at the end of the Meeting. Get at least one $5 raffle ticket for this month's raffle prize, a Pandigital eReader.
Chuck opened nominations for the Board of Directors election. Nominated this month: Chuck Horner, Sally Holt, Jan Fagerholm, Bayle Emlein, Bud Gallagher, Elsie Smith.
Additional nominations can be sent to PCC officers via the Web site and will also be taken next month and at the December meeting before the election. The election will be conducted during the December meeting.
We need folks willing to help out coordinating programs and with publicity.
SIG Announcements:
The Windows 7 SIG will meet October 13 at Bud Gallagher's. Verne Perry will conduct a presentation. The following month will probably cover the Microsoft Surface tablet. If there is a Windows 8 SIG, it will NOT be led by Bud. Windows 8 makes sense only on a tablet or touchscreen.
The Spectacular Linux SIG looked at the Nexus tablet and KDE last time. Stay tuned to your email box to see what new and interesting topics will appear by the end of October. The Linux SIG will meet as usual on the last Saturday of the month, starting at 2:00 p.m. In October that will be the 27th.
The Mobile SIG will meet on the 3rd Monday.
Elsie reminded us that the Hardware SIG has retired.
Bob Gostischa from Avast! started his presentation by reviewing the basics: When you get a notice to update, assume it means that there was a security breach and act on it at your earliest opportunity. But do not click on buttons that claim to be a company you know. The Bad Guys have gotten very clever at imitating familiar, well-known sites. Initiate contact yourself, via phone or email.
The basics summarized:
- Update, don't wait
- Don't be click happy
- Passwords: make them strong, don't share, use a different one for each service
- Gamers: keep security software on
- Avoid P2P (peer to peer) and pirated software
- Social engineering attacks are rampant
- Not everyone is your friend
- Public WiFi hotspots are public, don't bank or shop at Starbucks.
There are currently 2.1 billion internet users. With increasing use, risk increases. 85% of infections come directly from the internet. The other 15% come from removable media, email. Six out of 10 infections come from legitimate sites that have become compromised. Avast! will block customer access to infected Web sites. Avast! uses 10% of a computer's operating resources needed by Symantec, while finding threats and distributing cures faster. Avast! is now the leading anti-virus software, free or paid, worldwide.
New from Avast!: Android and smartphone protection. Avast also has a version for Mac and Linux, but no iPhone/ Pod/Pad as of tonight's meeting.
Free versions of Avast! are for home user. Corporate users buy the Endpoint Protection Suite. Bob recommends the Internet version, which is more inclusive and worth the small additional cost.
Bob will be sending a file with links to information he presented. Check the PCC Website for the links.
Thank you to George Kornbluth for taking care of refreshments.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:49 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bayle Emlein, Secretary