Friday April 4, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 7:36 P.M. by President Chuck Horner. He reminded everyone to get drawing and door prize tickets from Harold Smith at the back table, to turn off their ringing and buzzing devices, and to sign in. Then he welcomed new members.
SIG Announcements:
The Palm SIG meets in this same building on the third Monday of March. They continue their exciting explorations of things hand-held.
The Hardware SIG will meet tomorrow night (the Saturday after the Main Meeting) at the Smith’s starting at 8:00 P.M. Call them if you need directions. Bring new hardware that you need help getting functional, bring software you need help with, as well as older problems.
The Genealogy SIG meets on the third Tuesday at the San Lorenzo Library from 6:30 to 8:00 P.M.
The Spectacular Linux SIG meets on the last Saturday of the month at the Smith’s.
They are continuing their project of setting up an Apache server. There is likely to be a multimedia presentation as well.
Other Announcements:
Bruce would like to retire as the coordinator of programs. Volunteers are solicited.
Everyone is invited to the APCUG Southwest Regional Conference, which will take place in San Diego May 30th to June 1st. It’s a great opportunity to see how other groups function, learn about new trends in technology, and possibly get some good stuff.
Genealogy: Bill George presented genealogy research and the activities of the Genealogy SIG. He reviewed the kinds of tools currently available, the reasons people might be interested in genealogy, and the kinds of products one might create as a result. Some of Bill’s favorites are: roots;; the Mormon Family History Center, in Oakland; and the Alameda County Library site. He has an electronic handout at that lists many of the resources available.
Pat O’Sullivan pointed out that the California Genealogical Society meets the on first Saturday of the month at 20th and Broadway in Oakland, from 10:00 to 4:00 P.M. There is no charge.
Photo Contest:
To select the PCC entries for the Southwest Regional photo contest, Diane prepared ballots for voting for favorite photos brought in by members. They were displayed anonymously on tables and attendees voted during the break.
After the Break:
Chuck’s Tip: If you want a consistent background in multiple PowerPoint presentations, first click on the slide with the background that you want and then select the other slides that you want to copy the background onto.
Chuck will send an invitation for PCC members to join the Yahoo chat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Picture Contest Winners were announced. The photographers (Jan Fagerholm, Bayle Emlein, Diane George) are requested to submit an electronic file of the winning pictures and 4 hard copies of each as soon as possible.
Bill George reported having heard about a genealogy social networking application.
Meeting Adjourned:
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M.
The next meeting will take place at the same location on May 2, 2008.