7:30 - 10 pm Friday August 6, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by President Chuck Horner. He explained internet access and welcomed several first-time attendees.
SIG Announcements:
The Mobile SIG meets in the same place as the Main Meeting, It will meet this month, on 3rd Monday of the month as usual.
The Hardware SIG will meet tomorrow at the Smiths'. Please bring the manuals for both hardware and software. If you've got a problem with it, bring it it in and it will likely get fixed. More importantly, you'll learn about fixing it yourself.
The Windows 7 SIG will meet at Bud's house on the 14th at 1 p.m.
The Spectacular Linux SIG looked at the new Mint last month and how to get stuff from Linux into Windows. If you'd like to be on the mailing list to find out the latest, be sure that Jan has your email address.
Other Announcements:
Jan would be happy to have someone else take on the duties of managing door prizes. If you're at all interested, please contact him.
Chuck asked people to verify their email addresses so that information can be updated to members in a timely manner. He circulated a data sheet for people to check or correct their email addresses.
Linda Wyman, Speech and Language Pathologist and Assistive Technology and Alternative Augmentative Communication Specialist for Oakland Unified School District, described alternative access for people who have difficulty accessing computers in the standard way.
Linda started off talking about Brainfingers, an application that allows the user to control a computer with biofeedback and not much more than the energy of thinking. She described the difference between adult and children as AAC users.
Linda reviewed the process of device selection, cost considerations, and acquisition. She demonstrated a number of switches, alternate ways of clicking and mousing on a computer or controlling another device.
The group then adjourned to explore a variety of communication devices that Linda brought. She also handed out a list of resources.
Raffle Prize
Split the Pot 50/50 ($30)-Bob Kiessling
Thanks to George Kornbluth for taking care of refreshments and Bob Sorensen for bringing apples from his tree to share.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 pm.
The next meeting will take place at the same location on September 3, 2010.
Respectfully submitted,
Bayle Emlein, Secretary